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  • Read Dr. Van Thiel’s Interview on Cartilage Restoration!

    Chronic Knee Pain Due to Cartilage Injury: Treatment Options

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  • Treating Chronic Knee Pain

    Acute knee pain is pretty common — most of us have experienced at least mild knee pain after a day of strenuous activity. In those cases, painful symptoms usually go away after a little rest and maybe an ice pack or two. Imagine having knee pain on a regular basis — or even every day. That’s chronic knee pain, and unfortunately, it’s pretty common too.

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  • 3 Ways to Reduce Hip Pain

    Search online for “causes of hip pain,” and you’re bound to find a lot of different answers. That’s because hip joints are complex, and they also get a lot of use. Every time you sit down, stand up, take a step, climb stairs, or twist your torso, you use your hips. And if they’re irritated, inflamed, or injured in some other way, you’ll notice it.

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  • Shoulder Pain Exercises for Relief and Prevention

    Sometimes, it can feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders — literally. Shoulder pain can occur at any age, along with related symptoms like stiffness and immobility. But like other joint-related problems, it tends to be more common among athletes and older people. Is it possible to prevent shoulder pain with exercise? First, let’s answer a few important questions.

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  • Dr. Van Thiel presented on Cartilage Restoration at the Chicago Sports Medicine Meeting

    Dr. Van Thiel recently presented on cartilage restoration techniques in the knee at the Chicago Sports Medicine Symposium. He also moderated surgeries on complex knee ligament cases. Overall, a great weekend. Watch the presentation with a voice over.

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